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  • Microblading or Microshading
    Microblading is a unique form of permanent makeup. A hand tool & blade are used to create tiny hairlike scratches in the skin into which we deposit pigment. The results are a very natural brow that matches perfectly with your own. Microshading is a procedure which implements two techniques - manual microblading as well as machine to create depth and definition.The results are much more dramatic & perfect if you want just a little extra darkness and definition. Each client has the opportunity to go darker with the shading if they choose. (Microbladed strokes do not stay as crisp and will blur more when adding shading) You can find info and photos here... Microblading Vs Microshading
  • Contraindications to Microblading | ALL Permanent Makeup
    You are NOT a candidate for Microbladind or PMU if you are: Pregnant, nursing, have immune conditions, chemo/radiation within 6 months, Surgery within 6 weeks, accutaine within 12 months, botox/filler within 14 days,
  • Autoimmune Conditions
    Those Autoimmune Disease may not be a good candidate for Microblading or other PMU. (dependent of type and medications, contact before booking) Clients with autoimmune conditions will experience more pronounced fading due to an over active immune system. Eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, Lupus, Cronh’s, Rheuatoid Athritis, Von Willebrand’s, Sjogren’s, Sebherrhoeic or other dermatitis, or any similar skin conditions may compromise the surface and texture of the skin. Procedure performed on clients with these type of condition may experience inferior results. Those with Alopecia, Vitligo, Celiac, Hashimoto, Graves will require touchups more frequently - every 2-6 months. LUXX reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, at any time, for any reason.
  • What do I need to do before my brow appointment?
    We highly recommend growing your brows in as much as possible - younever know what were going to use and love to see what you're workin' with! ;) Be sure to complete your online consent form prior to your appointment at Prior to you appointment be sure to avoid: 14 days - Botox/Dysport and/or Cosmetic Filler above the periorbital area 7 days - Spray or Self tanner on the face, no retinol or glycolic 72 hours - UV exposure - do NOT come to your appointment with a sunburn 24 hours - Blood thinners (Fish Oil, Vitamin E, Asprin, Ibuprofen) 24 hours - Alcohol, Caffeine Failure to follow the above guidelines can result in undesireable results, slow healing, or decreased pigment retention. We are not responsible for clients failing to avoid or not discolosing their failure to avoid the above requirements. If you regularly get your eyebrows shaped, waxed, threaded or tinted, please do so at least 3 days before your appointment. (we prefer you to come with as much brow hair as you can so that we can see how much you have to work with) If you have been on prescription Accutane, you must wait at least 12 months before receiving this procedure. You must stop using Retinol 2 weeks prior to your appointment & avoid using it for 2 weeks following your appointment. (Use of retinol in the area - for the life of the brows - will cause excessive fading. ) If you get Botox regularly please get that done than 2+ weeks before your appointment. This is to ensure we can make your brows as symmetrical as possible. Avoid chemical peels at least 4 weeks prior to your appointment.Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning for 2 weeks before and after your procedure. Do not come to your appointment with a sunburn. In this case, email us at least 48 hours prior to your appointment to reschedule. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, ibuprofen, fish oil, vitamin E, or any blood thinning medication 24 hours prior to your appointment. If you plan to go on a sunny vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 7 days after the procedure due to the aftercare maintenance.
  • How long is the appointment?
    Depending on artist, experience, and procedure desired, a Microblading or Microshading appointment is 1.5-3 hours. This includes: - Numbing (if you elect to pre-numb - 18 min) - Consultation (thruoghout the procedure) - Mapping, measuring, & color selection (10-30 min) - The actual procedure (20-40 min) A 4-12 week perfecting session is around 45 minutes & each touchup is 1 hour.
  • How do I take care of my brows?
    Our aftercare at LUXX is MUCH different than what you may have seen online or been told by friends! You should not experience scabbing or crusty dark brows with the aftercare we advise! Follow the instructions precisely for the best healing experience & pigment retention! We will provide everything you need to take care of your new brows at your first appointment, the rest is up to you! Aftercare Instructions 2x A DAY: With clean hands, wash the area thoroughly with cleanser & warm water then pat dry 2x A DAY: Apply a THIN layer of aftercare cream provided (too much will delay healing) NO BROW MAKEUP FOR 7 DAYS!!! (Or anything but the above!! You have open wounds & we want to keep germs out!) No scratching or picking Itchiness is normal as skin is healing. It’s important not to scratch or pick them as you will disturb the natural healing process & may pull out pigment. How you take care of your brows will have a great impact on the way they heal! Stay out of the sun! UVA exposure has been proven to cause a shift in color, excessive fading as well as pigment migration & blurred strokes. Always use sunglasses or hat. SPF can be used on the brows after 7 days. No standing water or ocean for 7 days! No baths/pools /ocean-these can harbor bacteria. And well…you have open wounds. NO – RETINOL, LASER TREATMENTS, CHEMICAL PEELS, TANNING, GLYCOLIC, AHA near brows, ever! The entire healing process will take from 4 - 6 weeks – a touchup can NOT be done prior to 4 weeks. Due to the skin regeneration process, after the recovery period the brows may appear lighter than original. Often, even with proper care, clients lose some strokes, which makes brows look uneven. This is absolutely NORMAL because your natural skin type & skin regeneration, this is not a process that the artist cannot control. That’s why around 60% of clients need a touch up, to assure that brows are perfectly even & the desired effect was achieved. Contact a physician if you experience signs of infection such as redness, warmth & swelling of pigmented area! Day-by-Day Healing Guide & Walk Through Your healing process can have its ups & downs. The color may change over time as you heal & as your body accepts or metabolizes the pigment. But trust us when I say you will LOVE your results. Use this guide so you know that what you are experiencing IS normal & nearly everyone goes through something similar... ​ Day 1: I LOVE MY NEWS BROWS! Your brows are fresh, perfect & brand new. What's not to love? Day 2-5: "These are way too dark & thick." The brows may actually get a bit darker over this period of time, but don't freak out…they will lighten. They may appear to be a WARM in color – this is because you have been cut over 100 times, therefore your skin is red, raw, irritated. As they begin heal this will dissipate . They also are a bit swollen so they can appear larger for a day or so. Day 4-10: During these days your brows may be itchy or flaky. Make sure to NOT pick or remove the flakes or you may inadvertently remove some of your pigment or introduce infection! Day 4-14: "My brows have completely disappeared!!" Your brows may appear like they are completely gone during this time as the healing skin is thicker & opaque, but don't worry - they will still be there! As the healing process progresses the skin becomes thinner & translucent once again & your strokes will show through. This is also why it's important to have your perfecting touch up if you feel you need one. Days 6-28: "My brows are coming back but they are patchy!" Your brows may appear to be patchy & incomplete during this part of the healing process. Most of these patches will fill in over time but if for some reason some area doesn't take the perfecting touch up will fill the gap. Day 28: "I can finally have a perfecting session!”" If you need a touchup, please be sure to book your “4-8 WEEK PERFECTING SESSION” on the website Day 42 (after Perfecting Session): "These are better than I could have ever imagined!!!" And now you are back to the way you felt after the first day! Have additional questions? Please reach out to us at
  • Will I need a touch up?
    Microblading is a TWO STEP PROCESS. You should expect a touchup (though some clients do not feel that they need one). With the aftercare that we advise, around about 60-70% of clients feel that they would like a 4-8 week touchup. Two sessions ensure that the brows are complete and all expected fading has been addressed. Without the 4-8 week perfecting touchup your brows are considered incomplete. Please be prepared to commit to the process of having the brows that we both want for you! ****As of 1/1/2018 - Touchups are charged separately.*** Due to not every client wanting or feeling that they need a 4-8 week perfecting touchup, we have now separated the pricing of the two sessions. This is to ensure that clients not needing a touchup are not paying for well as a way of spacing our your financial commitment to your new brows :) Fading is COMPLETELY NORMAL and EXPECTED part of the process. Due to the skin regeneration process, after the healing period the brows will appear lighter than original. Even with proper care, clients lose some strokes, which makes brows look uneven, lighter than expected, or may have even disappeared. This is absolutely NORMAL because your natural skin type & skin regeneration, this is not a process that the artist cannot control. the 4-8 week perfecting touchup is to ensure that the brows are even & the desired effect was achieved. Microblading is expected to fade after the first session. We generally expect around 20-40% fading, but results are highly dependent on each client's skin type, immune system, medications/skin care products used, and aftercare adherence. "Normal" results with microblading cover a wide spectrum. From someone having perfect brows with only one session and not needing a touchup for 3 years...all the way to someone having a lot of fading. Again, absolutely normal. And that is what the 4-8 week perfecting touchup is for! :) Please be as committed to your brows as we are! <3 Reasons some clients tend to experience more fading: oily skin acne prone skin sun exposure taking antibiotics using retinol/retinoids chemical peels using certain medications alcohol use within 24 hours (thins blood) caffeine use within 24 hours (thins blood) taking fish oil supplements (thins blood) taking blood thinners (thins blood) (If you are bleeding too much during the treatment, this can interfere with the pigment implementation and push out pigments. Thus affecting pigment retention. Some pinpoint bleeding is normal, but excessive bleeding can ruin the whole process.) A majority of the time (aside from fading due to the ever present SUN here in Florida!) fading has to do with the amount of oil your skin produces. Signs of oily skin: "thick skin", large pores, excess oil, acne or pimples, less wrinkles than others your age. Some people just naturally produce more oils than others, the oil may push out your pigment making your retention after your first microblading session less than what you may have expected. Again, completely normal. **How does the immune system affect your degree of fading & results?** When the pigment is placed in the skin, it triggers an immune response in the body. The immune system kicks in to defend the body against the wound and to "eat" the foreign bodies(pigment). The immune system sends in fighter cells called macrophages and phagocytes. Think of these little guy's like the body's microbiological Pac-Men, they try to eat and envelop the foreign bodies in an effort to contain the threat, in this case our pigment. If they "eat" the pigment molecule then it is flushed out of the body via the lymphatic system. If they "envelop" the pigment molecule then the pigment spreads a bit, as it has tried to flush the invader but didn't get far. (this is why most clients strokes spread as they heal) ??PHAGOCYTES?? (phag·O·cyte) A type of immune cell that can engulf large prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, foreign bodies or eukaryotic cells, such as yeast cells or dead cells to kill them, or small foreign particles to remove them from the circulation. ??MACROPHAGES?? (MA-kroh-fayj) A type of white blood cell that surrounds and kills microorganisms, removes dead cells, and stimulates the action of other immune system cells. Macrophage is a type of white blood cell which is a phagocyte. They are scavengers which constantly move around to kill microorganisms, remove dead cells and foreign bodies. Microblading is expected to be a two step process. - A 4-8 week touchup reinforces faded strokes and stokes that have started to fade (though you can't see then, we still can, trust me!) - A 4-8 Week touch up give us the ability to correct any areas that are now faded and metabolized by your body & allow you to make adjustments that you are now ready & feeling brave and confident enough to make! Such as: going with a darker color bringing brows closer together making brows thicker/more dense achieving a higher arch perfecting the symmetry due to minor swelling during the initial procedure normal and expected fading through the healing process If you feel that you need a 4-8 week touchup, it is required to have your follow-up up appointment (4-8 Perfecting Session) within 4-8 weeks post initial procedure. This is to reinforced faded strokes and layer the pigment. A 4-8 week perfecting touchup can NOT be done any sooner than 4 weeks post procedure!! If you do not feel that you need a perfecting touch up you will then move up to a 9-12 month touchup when you are ready . A busy schedule is not a reason for missing a 4-8 week touchup. Please reach out to us and we will work with you to schedule. The 4-8 week cost is: Jessie - Master Artist 4-8 Week Perfecting Touchup: $150 9-24 month Touchup: $295
  • I had my brows previously tattooed/microbladed/shaded...can you touch them up or fix them?
    Maybe. - A lot of "touchups" that we see coming from other artists actually require serious & detailed corrective procedures. - Any significant change in an undesired shape or tone will, in fact, be a corrective procedure & NOT "just a touch up". Prices range from $400-$700 per session. This may include multiple sessions, modifiers, and possibly removal of some areas of pigment. -These corrective procedures may require multiple appointments if we are dealing with brows that have turned to a shade of red/pink or blue/grey. - If your previous work has faded by at least 70% then we MAY be able to microblade over it, but an in person consultation will be required. If color correction is needed,shading would be required & multiple sessions may be needed to neutralize the undesireable color. - If your previous work has faded by at 50-70% then shading is required as microblading strokes can NOT be seen over a more solid, saturated tattoo. 2-5 sessions may be required for color correction. - All clients coming from other artisit REQUIRE a consultation with Master Artist, Jess before being accepted as a cleint. - If you fail to follow the above instructions & arrive for a microblading appointment without a prior consultation & have previous work and we are unable to perform your service you will be charged a set up fee of $100. PLEASE BOOK A CONSULTATION IF YOU HAVE HAD PREVIOUS WORK!
  • I have NO brows, can I get microblading?"
    While we certainly prefer for our clients to grow their brows in as much as they can prior to their appointment, not all of us have hair. Brow hair loss is not uncommon and can be a ressult of many different factors or conditions. Trichotilomania, Alopecia, hormones, age, thyroid conditions, even waxing mishaps that caused permanent damage to the hair folicle. We work with wide range of clients and brows, we assure you that your brows aren't "the worst" :) For all clients with little to no hair we follow your underlying bone structure to place the brows correctly on your face. We can find exactly where your brows should be by palpatating the supraorbital ridge. We can also feel the glabella to find where the front of your brows should be. This will correct any natural imbalance that you my have had in your brows before hairloss. What does all this mean for you? Perfect brows that are balanced on your face!
  • One of my brows grows higher - can you fix this?
    Balancing brows can be an easy task, but each case is unique. We can easily balance slightly asymmetrical brows. Making them the same height on the forehead with only a little bit of microblading in the areas where no hair grows. (top of one to raise the low brow, shaving a bit of the bottom and shaving a bit of the top of the high one and microblading more underneath. Balancing extremely asymmetrical brows (1/2 inch to 1 inch difference in position on face) can be tricky. When a client come in with brows that grow naturally like this, or due to a medical or nerve condition, each client is given two options: *Correct them slightly - though not a complete correction this gives just enough of a correction to please the client without having to shave off a majority of the existing hair *Full Balance - to fully balance two extremely asymmetrical brows we would need to remove all or a majority of hair on one brow to make it match the brow that they like. We personally like to leave as much of the natural hair as we can. Not only so the hairs make the microblading blend well from side to side, but also to achieve a super natural look. Again each client is given two options and agrees to a SLIGHT CORRECTION OR FULL BALANCE.
  • My microbladed brows look different when I look at them from this angle...
    Let’s be honest, the face is not a flat canvas. We all have asymmetry from the left side of the face to the right side of the face. This is mainly from our natural genetics, sometimes from injuries. Well we all love the notion of our brows being twins, it is not always feasible nor is it a realistic expectation. Due to curvature being different on each side of the face it may appear that one tail is longer. Even after meticulous measuring a client may still see this. And that is simply because of a difference in curvature from left to right side of the face. Your brow hair may lay outside the microbladed area on one side, and not on the other. Again this is genetics. Looking at your eyebrows from above or below and expecting them to look exactly the same is unrealistic. Not only are we almost never viewed from this angle, we never map or micro blade with this intention. This is similar to leaning your head back or forward to check the symmetry of your haircut. Not a realistic depiction as the art that was done is not being viewed as it was intended. Art, tattoos, Microblading, are meant to be looked at straight on. Looking at a piece of art that contains an oval from the side may make it look like a circle. But looking at it the way that it was intended will depict an accurate visual. We map and microblade from a straight on view. We do this specifically so that we can fill in or camouflage areas with the intended view that people look at us or we look ourself in the mirror. Each client is given the opportunity to change anything that they want before the micro blading procedure begins whether it be size, shape, symmetry, color etc. If, when finished with the procedure & the measurements are the same & a client would like the shape adjusted to it make the tail look longer to them, we will do that, even though the brows would not be twins. We will not adjust the shape when they are being viewed at different angles
  • My microbladed brows are
    Your healing process can have its ups & downs. The color may change over time as you heal & as your body accepts or metabolizes the pigment. Everything that you experience is ABSOLUTELY NORMAL & why 60% of people need a perfecting touchup. Everyone goes through these phases. Initially they may seem too dark or too big. The darkness will settle down as we shed 20%-30% of the superficial pigment during the healing process. They will be slightly swollen and seem to be bigger than you expected. This too will settle down within 3 days. They look red. They may appear warm or red in color. This is mostly because you have been cut over 100 times. Any skin on your body that is scratched or cut will be red or irritated and have a bit of blood and lymph fluid seeping out. Also - permanent make up has a tendency to heal too cooly/blue/grey. The pigment line that we utilize, Tina Davies, contains more red initially to prevent that from happening. This redness WILL heal out. They seem to have disappeared. Next you will enter a healing phase that we call “milk skin” where they will appear lighter than they actually are. And the skin will take on a milky and hazy look. But don't worry - they will still be there! As the skin is healing, anywhere on our body, it becomes opaque and thicker. For instance, if you peel a scab off your arm the skin beneath it will be light, milky looking, and opaque. This thickened skin will hide the strokes beneath the skin. As the healing process continues the skin becomes thinner and translucent again and the strokes will show through. This is also why it's important to have your 4-8 perfecting touch up if you feel you need one. They're back but parts are missing: Your brows may appear to be patchy & incomplete during this part of the healing process. Most of these patches will fill in over the healing process but if some areas don't come back then the 4-8 week perfecting touch up will fill the gap. They seem to have dissapeared. Next you will enter a healing phase that we call “milk skin” where they will appear Day 4-10: During these days your brows may be itchy or flaky. Make sure to NOT pick or remove the flakes or you may inadvertently remove some of your pigment or introduce infection! When can I have them touched up: If you need a touchup, please be sure to book your “4-8 WEEK PERFECTING SESSION” on the website
  • Will this make my hair stop growing?
    No! We do not need to shave off your whole eyebrow nor does it stop hair from growing! We will remove the stray hairs outside of your chosen shape and placement during the mapping portion of your microblading procedure. (Who wants stray hairs anyway! lol) This may or may not be a little different than how your brows sit on your face when you came in...because that's what you're here for right? Brow balancing...symmetry...fullness! All hairs that remain inside your chosen shape will remain intact and will not damage the hair follicle. IN FACT...Microblading can have a similar effect to the brow hair follicle as microneedling does to head hair! Stimulating an injury response and awakening dormant folicles...resulting in new growth! You may be suprised what grows back before your touchup! Moving forward you will still need to use whatever method of hair removal you used before microblading to maintain your shape and remove of stray hairs (wax, thread, shave, etc)
  • Does it hurt?
    Pain is relative. We do all that we can to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible throughout the microblading procedure. - For the VERY best results you can have the procedure done without any anesthetic. - You also have the option of electing to be numbed prior to the procedure. (though this does have its con's - faster fading, low pigment retention, blurred strokes, tough skin, etc.) - You also have the option to numb a bit after the procedure has started. (This is what we prefer for the best results!!) On a scale of 1-10 - most clients report: without numbing pain is 3-7, with numbing 0-3 **If you are on your menstural cycle during your appointment or are a smoker your pain may be intensified**
  • BBP Procedures
    Tattooing, Permanent Makeup, Aesthetics • All tools, work space, equipment are disinfected using hospital grade EPA approved broad spectrum disinfectant and an FDA,
EPA and OSHA compliant broad-spectrum disinfectant, fungicidal, bactericidal, virucidal, mildewcidal and tuburculocidal after each cleint. • All necessary tools and equipment are present in the area before the procedure begins. • Needles, tattoo cartridges, dermaplane blades, microchanneling cartridges or anything entering the skin or possibly cause blood exposure, are opened in front of the client and are single use. • Areas of practice are state/county licensed tattoo establishments within the state they are located. • Areas of practice are inspected and approved initially and annually by the local health department. • All artists are licensed tattoo artists, trained and certified in permanent makeup in multiple states. • All artists wear gloves while working in the skin. Nitrile gloves are preferred, if you have an allergy we can accommodate. • All artists are Barbicide Certified and annually complete four hours of Blood Borne Pathogen training and certification.
  • How long will my brows last?
    This is highly dependent on each individual client's skin type, aftercare adherance, skin care routine, UV exposure, health, medications. Touch-ups are recommended every 9-24 months to maintain shape, color, & stroke detail.
  • How will my brows change over the years?
    Clients general come back for touchups every 9-24 months. This varies greatly due to variety of factors; UV exposure, aftercare adherance, retinol use, integrity of skin, skincare products, oily/dry skin, etc. If a client chooses to never recieve a touchup their microbladed brows should fade almost completely between 2-5 years depending on the above factors. PMU brows (ombre, tattooed, etc) willlast much longer as the pigment is deposited deeper in the dermis that microblading. As pigment is metabolized in the body it may change to a slight red or blue tone. This is completely normal. It may happen at 9 months, 18 months, 5 years, or never. Again this is completely normal and the way different pigments are processed and metabolized in your body. The next touch up will return the brow to the correct color. (MORE ON PIGMENT METABOLIZATION HERE)
  • I had my brows done elsewhere, do you offer removal? What do you recommend?"
    We do not currently offer removal! Removal will return Jan 2024 Master Artist, Jess is Certified A+ Ocean in saline removal technician as well as a Certified Beauty Angel's PMU Removal Technician. >>ANGEL PERMANENT MAKEUP REMOVAL is a safe, manual technique, designed to remove tattoo pigment from the skin; in particular, pigment from PMU treatments, using a simple 3 step process. Angel Removal removes all colors and all pigments in the market. The active ingredients in Angel Removal are the acids from antioxidant fruits such as rice, cocoa, and wheat, among others. The first removal solutions in the market used acids from metals, which are highly aggressive to the skin. In the case of Angel Removal, the acids it carries are from fermented fruit and they work as a chemical peel.The other ways to eliminate the tattoo on a dermatological level may leave unwanted traces such as pigment spots or scars. With Angel Removal we can remove up to 99% of the pigment from the skin. One of the advantage of Angel Removal is that acid fruits are photo protectors, which means that they protect the skin from the appearance of sunspots in addition to the advantage of removing pigment spots.With this method we can eliminate the pigment from different levels of the skin. Angel Removal is a very safe method, however its application requires professional training. The pigment’s nature and the depth at which it is placed are key factors to determine the number of sessions that need to be performed. If the pigment is in the Epidermis or in the first layer of the dermis, it can be removed in 1 to 3 sessions. If it is in the lower part of the dermis, it is possible to remove 99% of it, but it may require more than 8 sessions.Angel Removal is the first removal product designed specifically for eyebrows. The pigment then comes out in two ways: 1.) Bringing the pigment to the surface A chemical process is carried out at the Epidermis level. When the molecules of the removal solution meet the pigment particles that are found between the layers of the skin, it breaks the collagen capsules, binds with the pigment, and brings it to the surface. 2.)Pigment particles are transported deeper into the Dermis and Hypodermis layers of the skin and are absorbed into the lymphatic system and subsequently eliminated from the body through sweat, urine and tears. Do not expect to see significant amounts of pigment coming out of the surface of the skin during the treatment. The pigment comes out in small quantities over several days, a large amount of which comes out during the aftercare portion of the process. Pigment may still be leaving the body up to 30 days after the removal treatment. Depending on on your age and skin regeneration time it may take up to 90 days. Obviously, the portion of the pigment eliminated through the Lymphatic system is not visible at all.If the pigment was originally placed at a shallow depth, one session will probably be sufficient. In other cases, the treatment is repeated 1 to 9 times. >> The second option is A+ OCEAN TATTOO REMOVAL. It is a lightening process in which tattoo in a saline based hypertonic solution in the tattoo area. This will create a controled scab that you would keep intact until it falls off on its own in about three weeks. The saline works to pull the pigment or ink out of the tattooed skin and into the scab. As long as the scab is intact it is working to lightne your tattoo Depending how heavily the artist tattooed your skin, worked your skin, how deep the pigment is, etc. this could have caused the scarring and this procedure may slightly exasperate the scarring situation. It may not be convenient for you to have your brows red and scabby for three weeks. And though we can numbing during the process they stay quite painful to the touch for a week or so. These can be done no sooner than four weeks apart and can take 1-6 sessions To get the brow light enough to microbladed over. It is $150 per treatment. >>The third option we can recomend to lighten the brow is to use RETINOL on the brow area for several weeks to see how much that will lighten it it’s own before doing something more invasive. We sell a retinol that we highly recommend in the studio. >>The final option that we would recommend would be LASER PERMANENT MAKEUP REMOVAL (or any other form of tattoo removal) is simple: a Q-switched Nd YAG laser fires short pulses of light into the tattoo pigment. This causes the tattoo pigment to absorb energy and break apart into small pieces. These pieces are naturally processed through the lymphatic system, causing the tattoo to fade and eventually disappear over time. This method of treatment involves very low risk of scarring, and is fast (less than 5 seconds per eyebrow), effective, and permanent. I suggest if you want to try this, then call around to laser tattoo removal places. Not all lasers can remove permanent make up pigment. In fact some can actually make it darker. So please be sure to ask each place if their lasers will remove permanent make up pigment, not just tattoo ink. The molecules are much bigger in permanent make up pigment. Be sure to ask this and just to be safe, also ask if they have removed permanent make up previously.
  • Investment?
    As of 2/20/22: Jessie - Master Artist Microblading: $495 Microshading: $595 4-8 Week Perfecting Touchup: $150 9-24 Month Toucup: $254 Sale: $25 off when paying deposit 2/20-4/20 $75 off when paying in full upon booking If you would like to pay for your 4-8 week perfecting touchup at the same time as your initial microblading session please let us know.
  • Refunds?
    We offer the highest degree of detail & dedication to all of our procedures & all of our clients. LUXX does not offer refunds on services rendered, & deposits are non-refundable. Please be aware that results can vary, as every client is different, every clients skin and results are different. We take time & great care in explaining our processes thoroughly, we work with each client to adjust the mapping to their personal liking. As well as having the final say on pigment choice. we recommend what we think is best but ultimately, you get what you ask for. Each client verbally agrees to shape, placement, symmetry, & pigment color, making sure every client has realistic expectations going into every appointment. Please understand that a 4-8 week touchup to recommended if you have fading (normal & expected), decided you are ready for a darker color (normal & expected), want to go bigger (normal & expected), Want to go closer together/longer (normal & expected). The literal ONLY thing that is not NORMAL & EXPECTED is an infection!! BOOK YOUR 4-8 WEEK PERFECTING TOUCHUP! LUXX does not offer refunds on services rendered, & deposits are non-refundable. You agree to this refund policy by checking the box upon booking with us. Each client's skin is unique, exposed to different elements, medications, products & it is difficult to predict how well your skin will retain pigment and/or filler or any other cosmetic procedure. It is also impossible to predict exactly how it will heal. And that is exactly what the 4-8 WEEK PERFECTING TOUCHUP is for! :) Due to this & many other various factors we cannot guarantee your individual results but will do our best to please each client & will go through great lengths to do so. If you refuse to have your 4-8 week touchup, your procedure is considered unfinished. Committing to the entire process is imperative in getting the best, and longest lasting results! The results of any cosmetic procedure, including but not limited to permanent cosmetics, cannot be guaranteed. **Opened products cannot be returned for any reason** **e-giftcards cannot be refunded but are transferable**
  • What is the deposit for?
    A non-refundable deposit is required as well as a credit card on file to schedule ANY appointment. This includes paying with giftcards & other forms of payment. The deposit will be credited toward the procedure fees on the day of your service. We require a deposit in an attempt to discourage no shows & to show your investment & sincerity in following through with the procedure that you have booked. As the industry standard cancellation and no-show policy that we adhere to would require a no-show to pay the procedure price in full. You can reschedule your own appointment online or we would be happy to reschedule your appointment for another date. - We understsand that unforeseen circumstances that may arise which could force you to postpone/reschedule your procedure, however please understand that such changes affect not only us, but other clients as well. - We are aware that unforeseen circumstances that may arise which could force you to postpone/reschedule your procedure, however please understand that such changes affect not only us, but other clients as well. Appointment slots are very limited. Commonly we have a wait list several months out, people would love to have your spot! No shows and late cancelations will incur fees as another client could have filled your spot. We have many clients who are waiting for a spot - not show and late cancelations inhibit them from taking the spot. The following policies are industry standard: RESCHEDULING - If rescheduling with MORE than 48 hours notice you are able to rescedule, carrying your deposit to future time slot. (you can reschedule online) NO SHOW - any client who does not show for a scheduled appointment will be assessed a fee equal to 100% of the service price. No exceptions. After two 'No Shows" a client will be refused any future service. EXTREMELY LATE CANCEL - if you cancel your appointmnet within 4 hours of the appointment time you will be assesed a fee of 100% of your appointment fee. CANCEL/RESCHEDULE IN 24 HOURS OR LESS - if you cancel or reschedule your deposit will not be transferable and will be assessed a fee of $100 per service canceled. **ALL OF THE ABOVE INFO IS AGREED TO UPON BOOKING by clicking the box that says: "I agree to the cancellation policy and to make this my default cardfor all digital and in-person payments"** We are aware that unforeseen circumstances that may arise which could force you to postpone/reschedule your procedure, however please understand that such changes affect not only us, but other clients as well. If you choose to reschedule your appointment, a minimum 24 hours advance notice is mandatory or deposit will not be transfered to new appointment .
  • What is the cancelation & no-show policy?
    As you know we can be booked out months in advance & opened spots are highly prized. No shows and late cancelations will incur fees as another client could have filled your spot. We have many clients who are waiting for a spot - not show and late cancelations inhibit them from taking the spot. We require a deposit in an attempt to discourage no shows & to show your investment & sincerity in following through with the procedure that you have booked. - You can reschedule your own appointment online or we would be happy to reschedule your appointment for another date if you are unable to. - We are aware that unforeseen circumstances that may arise which could force you to postpone/reschedule your procedure, however please understand that such changes affect not only us, but other clients as well. - We are extremely kind & accommodating. We will try our best work with you, please just reach out to us. We are mothers, wives, daughters too. We know that things happen. :) Appointment slots are very limited. Commonly we have a wait list several months out, people would love to have your spot! No shows and late cancelations will incur fees as another client could have filled your spot if givem sufficient notice. We have many clients who are waiting for a spot - no show and late cancelations inhibit them from taking the spot. The following policies are industry standard: RESCHEDULING - If rescheduling with MORE than 48 hours notice you are able to rescedule, carrying your deposit to future time slot. (you can reschedule online using the log in information you created when booking) NO SHOWS - any client who does not show for a scheduled appointment will be assessed a fee equal to 100% of the service price. No exceptions. After two 'No Shows" a client will be refused any future service. EXTREMELY LATE CANCEL - if you cancel your appointmnet within 4 hours of the appointment time you will be assesed a fee of 100% of your appointment fee CANCEL/RESCHEDULE IN 12 HOURS OR LESS - if you cancel or reschedule your deposit will not be transferable and will be assessed a fee of $100 per service canceled. **ALL OF THE ABOVE INFO IS AGREED TO UPON BOOKING by clicking the box that says: "I agree to the cancellation policy and to make this my default card for all digital and in-person payments"** We are aware that unforeseen circumstances that may arise which could force you to postpone/reschedule your procedure, however please understand that such changes affect not only us, but other clients as well. If you choose to reschedule your appointment, a minimum 24 hours advance notice is mandatory or deposit will not be transfered to new appointment . -Client's calling/arriving 20 minutes late may need to rescheduled so that it does not interfere with other client's appointment times. This is a late reschedule! WE ARE VERY UNDERSTAND OF SITUATIONS THAT MAY CAUSE YOU TO BE LATE AND WILL TRY TO ACCOMMODATE IF WE CAN! REMINDER: All appointments can be changed or canceled online by logging in using the username and password that you chose when booking! (it's in your email)
  • How can I pay?
    Your remaining balance is due the day of your procedure. We accept Cash, Cash App, Venmo, Zelle and credit/debit card as forms of payment. Please be prepared to pay the total amount with any of these methods during your appointment. Be aware that those choosing to use a credit or debit card will incure a 6% processing fee at checkout
  • Pricing
    Pricing does not include sales tax or service tax. Please expect 7% state sales or service tax to be added at your appointment. There are levels to pricing by artisit experience. As of 1/1/2021 pricing for Microblading is as follows: Master Artist with 20+ years experience: Microblading - $495 Microshading - $595 4-8 Week Pefecting Touchup: $150 9-24 month Touchup: $295 Expert Artist with 4-5 year experience: Junior Artist with 1-3 year experience: Microblading - $425 Microshading - $525 4-8 Week Pefecting Touchup: $100 9-24 month Touchup: $195 Apprentice Artist with 0-12 months experience: Microblading - $250 Microshading - $295 You can find more info abourt each artist at:
  • Refunds?
    We offer the highest degree of detail and dedication to all of our procedures. LUXX does not offer refunds on services rendered, and deposits are non-refundable. Please be aware that results can vary, as every client is different. We take time and great care in explaining our processes thoroughly, we work with each client to adjust the mapping to their personal liking. Each client verbally agrees to shape, placement, symmetry, and pigment color, making sure every client has realistic expectations going into every appointment. You agree to this refund policy upong booking with us. Each client's skin is unique and It is difficult to predict how well your skin will retain pigment and/or filler or any other cosmetic procedure or it is also impossible to predict how it will heal. Due to this & many other various factors we cannot guarantee your individual results but will do our best to please each client & will go through great lengths to do so.The results of any cosmetic procedure, including but not limited to permanent cosmetics, cannot be guaranteed. Opened products cannot be returned for any reason.
  • Travel & Guest Appearances
    LUXX's master artist, Jessie, is available to travel for guest appearances and industry events as well as training. If chosen as a model for a demo - Please note that we may not return for the touchup on procedures that are outside of the Jacksonville area. For future appointments please prepare to make travel arrangements to our studio in Jaacksonville, FL.
  • BBP Procedures
    Tattooing, Permanent Makeup, Aesthetics • All tools, work space, equipment are disinfected using hospital grade EPA approved broad spectrum disinfectant and an FDA,
EPA and OSHA compliant broad-spectrum disinfectant, fungicidal, bactericidal, virucidal, mildewcidal and tuburculocidal after each cleint. • All necessary tools and equipment are present in the area before the procedure begins. • Needles, tattoo cartridges, dermaplane blades, microchanneling cartridges or anything entering the skin or possibly cause blood exposure, are opened in front of the client and are single use. • Areas of practice are state/county licensed tattoo establishments within the state they are located. • Areas of practice are inspected and approved initially and annually by the local health department. • All artists are licensed tattoo artists, trained and certified in permanent makeup in multiple states. • All artists wear gloves while working in the skin. Nitrile gloves are preferred, if you have an allergy we can accommodate. • All artists are Barbicide Certified and annually complete four hours of Blood Borne Pathogen training and certification.
  • Procedure Refusal
    We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, at anytime, for any reason.
  • What is Permanent Lash Enhancement?
    Lash enhancement, or invisible eyeliner as it is often called, involves tattooing an ultra-thin black line along the top lash line to create the illusion of fuller, darker, thicker lashes. The result is a natural, youthful, eye-opening effect. Depending on your preference, the bottom lash line can also be subtly tattooed.
  • How do I prepare for my Permanent Lash Enhancement or Lip Blushing Procedure?
    Come to your PMU appointment with your eyelids or lips prepped! Permanent Lash Enhancement No eye creams for a week prior No eye makeup for 3 days prior Please drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated! Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours before your appointment. Avoid aspirin, fish oil, blood thinners for 1 week prior. Arrive with no eye makeup. Arrive with contacts removed (you may use them again after your appointment) Do not use Latisse on the day of your treatment Remove all lash extensions before your appointment If you do not follow these instructions you may need to be rescheduled! Permanent Lip Blushing If you are prone to fever blisters, please acquire an anti viral perscription from you doctor. Start the treatment 3 days prior to you appointment & finish the script after. (if you do a L-lysine protocol you can do this as well) To prep the lips for treatment, gently exfoliate your lips each night with a sugar & coconut oil mixture. Procedure done on smoother, soft lips will retain more more pigment and will appear more vibrant and even in appearance. In addition, you will heal faster and will better results. Keep your lips moisturized with coconut oil for 3 nights No lipstick for 3 days prior Please drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated! Avoid drinking alcohol & caffeine for at least 24 hours before your appointment. Avoid aspirin, fish oil, blood thinners for 1 week prior. Arrive with nothing but coconut oil on your lips. If you do not follow these instructions you may need to be rescheduled!
  • Who is the ideal candidate for Lash Enhancement?
    Lash enhancement can be a great solution for anyone who wants thicker, darker, healthier-looking lashes, including people with naturally sparse lashes or medical conditions that cause their lashes to fall out (e.g. alopecia). Clients who have poor eyesight or have suffered a stroke and those who do not have a steady hand. Those with Graves' Disease and glaucoma may not be good candidates. You’ll also want to hold off if you’ve recently had eye surgery or plan to have surgery in the near future. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions about whether lash enhancement is right for you.
  • What can I expect after Lash Enhancement?
    You will have some swelling for a few days after your lash enhancement treatment. You can apply Ice to your eyelids to help reduce swelling for 5-10 minutes at a time, if needed, multiple times per day. Arnica Montana pellets work well. In the first week of healing, it's important to keep the area clean and dry. It is also essential to avoid wearing eye makeup for the first week.
  • Lip Blush Aftercare?
    Lip Blush after-care is very important to the appearance and longevity of your newly blushed lips. Please read the following aftercare instructions thoroughly. Day 1 Immediately following the procedure, lips will feel dry, chapped, tight and tender to the touch. They may appear swollen, bold andbright in color. For 4 hours after treatment, apply light pressure on lips with a clean paper towel, to remove any lymph. After 4 hours, start applying ointment (Aquaphor) as needed to keep lips constantly moist No kissing, rubbing or friction on treatment area. Day 1-3 Apply ointment to lips several times a day. Keep lips moist at all times. Avoid oily, spicy and heavily seasoned food and drink with a straw. After every meal gently rinse and clean lips with water and pat dry, and re-apply ointment. DAY 4-7 Between these days the lips will start the peeling process, this will be similar to chapped lips. The color of the pigment will lighten by 50%-70%. This is absolutely normal and expected. Do not pick or rub your lips and let the peeling happen naturally. Continue keeping your lips moist! WEEK 2 Lips are done peeling, color is very light. You may return to normal routines. Lips will continue to heal, up to 6 weeks. Each week more color will surface, it is important to continue keeping lips moist to get the best color at the end of the healing phase at 6-8 weeks! WEEK 6-8 Finally healed!! Now add some lip oil or gloss and your set! Lip Blushing should be considered a two step procedure. Most cases requires two treatments to complete the lip blushing process. (unless you do prefer more natural look - keep in mind, they naturally fade 50%-70% from the first day) The following must be avoided during all 14 days post treatment: Increased sweating Playing sports Swimming Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi Sun tanning or salon tanning Exposure to UV/UVA Rays or chemicals as they have been known to cause a shift in color and cause premature fading Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic acid on or very near the treatment area Touching the lips except for when applying the ointment or vitamin E with a cotton swab Picking, peeling, or scratching of the treatment area to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris and dust. Drinking alcohol in excess will lead to slow healing of the wounds Smoking will lead to slow healing of the wounds. Driving in open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles If you have any unexpected problems with the healing of the skin, please contact us immediately, to discuss further instructions. Contact a physician if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following: fever, redness at the site, excessive swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, elevated body temperature, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart.
  • Does it hurt?
    This is a tattoo, there will be some discomfort. We do not like to pre-numb but instead use a secondary numbing agent after the start of the procedure. Why we dont like to pre-numb? 1.) Numbing is a vasoconstrictor which pushes the capillaries close to the surface of the very thin areas that we work on (eyelids & lips) Puncturing a capilary with a needle will cause bruising, or worse - placing pigment into the capillaries & having that pigment travel the vascular path. Also known as pigment migration. 2.) Numbing toughens the skin making it rubbery and hard to work with. Instead of a smooth service, toughened skin will cause the needle to bounce off the skin rather than penetrating. This will add significant time onto your appointment, increase trauma to the skin due to the need to increase pressure, and reduce the ammount of pigment that the skin is able to accept. 3.) We can tell the difference in the results! The color tends to bleed or be blurry with those that prenumb. If you require prenumbing, please unstand the abovw implications to doing so. Please arrive 20 minutes early.
  • What can I expect after Lash Enhancement or Lip Blushing?
    Permanent Lash Enhancement You will have some swelling for a few days after your lash enhancement treatment. You can apply Ice to your eyelids to help reduce swelling for 5-10 minutes at a time, if needed, multiple times per day. Arnica Montana pellets work well. (especially starting them days before your appointment) In the first week of healing, the area will be's important to keep the area clean and dry. It is also essential to avoid wearing eye makeup for the first week. Permanent Lash Enhancement is expected to lighten 20%-50% into a more natural saturation than how harsh it may have been initially. If a more intense color is desired, additional sessions will be needed after 6 weeks. Lip Blushing You will have some swelling for a few days after your Lip Blush treatment. You can apply Ice to your lips to help reduce swelling for 5-10 minutes at a time, if needed, multiple times per day. Arnica Montana pellets work well. (especially starting them days before your appointment) In the first week of healing the lips will be chapped. It's important to keep the area clean & moisturised. It is also essential to avoid wearing lipstick for the first week. The technique gently implants the color without creating too heavy of a lip-liner/border appearance. The overall aim is to give lips life and a natural tint without being too dramatic. Lip Blush is expected to fade 50%-70% into a natural tint, not occlusive like a lipstick. If a more intense color is desired, additional sessions will be needed after 6 weeks.
    Lash enhancement, or invisible eyeliner as it is often called, involves tattooing an ultra-thin black line along the top lash line to create the illusion of fuller, darker, thicker lashes. The result is a natural, youthful, eye-opening effect. Depending on your preference, the bottom lash line can also be subtly tattooed.
    Lash enhancement can be a great solution for anyone who wants thicker, darker, healthier-looking lashes, including people with naturally sparse lashes or medical conditions that cause their lashes to fall out (e.g. alopecia). Clients who have poor eyesight or have suffered a stroke and those who do not have a steady hand. Those with Graves' Disease and glaucoma may not be good candidates. You’ll also want to hold off if you’ve recently had eye surgery or plan to have surgery in the near future. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions about whether lash enhancement is right for you.
    Come to your PMU appointment with your eyelids or lips prepped! Permanent Lash Enhancement Keep your eyelids moisturized with coconut oil for 3 nights, no eye creams for a week prior, no eye makeup for 3 days prior, please drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated! Do not use Latisse on the day of your treatment, remove all lash extensions, do not wear contacts to your appointment. If you do not follow these instructions you will be rescheduled & incure a $150 set up fee! Permanent Lip BlushingIf you are prone to feverblisters, please aquire an anti viral perscription from you doctor. Start the treatment 3 days prior to you appointment and finish the script after. Gently exfoliate your lips each night with a sugar & coconut oil mixture. Keep your lips moisturized with coconut oil for 3 nights, no lipstick for a week prior, no lipstick for 3 days prior, please drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated! If you do not follow these instructions you will be rescheduled & incure a $150 set up fee!
    This is a tattoo so some discomfort is to be expected. Most clients agree that topical pain management is not necessary & prefer to just let their endorphins do their job We do not like to pre-numb which involves applyiing a numbing agent to the area to be treated for 20-45 minutes. And while we prefer to not numb at all, in some instances, we can opt instead to use a very short application of a secondary numbing agent after the start of the procedure. Why we dont like to pre-numb?1.) Numbing is a vasoconstrictor which pushes the blood filled capillaries close to the surface of the very thin areas that we work on (eyelids & lips) Puncturing a capilary with a needle will cause bruising, bleeding, or worse - placing pigment into the capillaries & having that pigment travel the vascular path. Also known as pigment migration. 2.) Numbing toughens the skin making it rubbery or mushy, and very difficult to work with. Instead of a smooth PMU service, toughened skin will cause the needle to bounce off the skin rather than penetrating. This will add significant time onto your appointment, increase trauma to the skin due to the need to increase pressure, and reduce the ammount of pigment that the skin is able to accept. 4.) Not only is it difficult to place the pigment into the skin when numbing agents are used, it is also very difficut for a client to retain the pigment past the first few days. 3.) We can tell the difference in the results! The pigment tends to bleed or be blurry with those that prenumb. With permanent makeup we want clean lines. If still you require prenumbing, please understand the above implications in doing so.Please arrive 20 minutes early.
    Depending on area treated, a session could take 1 (face) - 2 (body) hours. This includes cleansing the skin, numbing time, the procedure, stem cells, & a post treatment hydrating mask.
    Many personal factors determine the length of time that PMU will last. But in general, it can last up to 5 years.
    Permanent Lash Enhancement You will have some swelling for a few days after your lash enhancement treatment. You can apply Ice to your eyelids to help reduce swelling for 5-10 minutes at a time, if needed, multiple times per day. Arnica Montana pellets work well. (especially starting them days before your appointment) In the first week of healing, the area will be's important to keep the area clean and dry. It is also essential to avoid wearing eye makeup for the first week. Lip Blushing You will have some swelling for a few days after your Lip Blush treatment. You can apply Ice to your lips to help reduce swelling for 5-10 minutes at a time, if needed, multiple times per day. Arnica Montana pellets work well. (especially starting them days before your appointment) In the first week of healing the lips will be chapped. It's important to keep the area clean & moisturised. It is also essential to avoid wearing lipstick for the first week.
  • What is a Lash Lift?
    A Lash Lift is a gentle perm that lifts/curls the base of your lashes and extends them upwards, giving the illusion of longer lashes. A semi-permanent tint is also used to darken the lashes. it lasts 8-12 weeks depending on your natural growth cycle.
  • How often can I get a lash lift?
    No sooner than 2 months
  • What are adjustments have been made for COVID-19?
    COVID-19 guidelines are as follows: - Be sure to fill out consent for prior to all microblading appointments! - CONSENT HERE - By appointment only. Only one person to each licensed therapist. You are NOT permitted to bring any additional person inside the building with you unless they also have an appointment. - No clients waiting in the lobby pre or post appointment. - You are required to leave the building immediatley after your appointment ends. - We will wipe down all surfaces including doorknobs with EPA approved disinfectant products. - Mask are mandatory for guests. We must, as therapists, also protect ourselves. - We allow time for disinfection between our clients. - Full disclosure if someone reports of COVID-19 symptoms. ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES ONLY FOR KENTUCKY CLIENTS: - If you are in Kentucky you must also fill out this form - Kentucky Liabilty Form Here - If you are in Kentucky: We must adapt safe social distancing & care for all our clients so we ask that you text back the number that texted you before your appointment with your name, vehicle make, vehicle color & wait inside your vehicle. - If you are in Kentucky: We will come out to your car to greet you and bring you into the building. Or, If you elect to recieve anesthetic we will numb you while in your car. After 15 min we will come back out to let you in the building for your appointment. ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES ONLY FOR CALIFORNIC CLIENTS: - If you are in California I will begin accepting clients in California Spring 2021 - If you are in California: We must adapt safe social distancing & care for all our clients so we ask that you text back the number that texted you before your appointment with your name, vehicle make, vehicle color & wait inside your vehicle. - If you are in California: We will come out to your car to greet you and bring you into the building. Or, If you elect to recieve anesthetic we will numb you while in your car. After 15 min we will come back out to let you in the building for your appointment.
    Procell's MD Microchannel Delivery Serum contains growth factors, & anti-aging, pro-healing and anti-inflammatory ingredients such as TGF-ß3 and IL-1. MD Microchannel Delivery Serum provides faster results with shorter recovery times than the Pro serum. Ingredients include deionized water, stem cytokines (proprietary mixture of human bone marrow stem cell-derived growth factors and cryokines), hyaluronic acid, dehydroacetic acid and benzyl alcohol. The MD serum contains human bone marrow-derived growth factors in a hyaluronic acid suspension. Both elements occur naturally in the human body. There are no human, animal, or plant cells, DNA, blood, or any other foreign substances. The product is FDA approved & has been used safely & effectively for over a decade. The main powerhouse in Procell serum is Stem Cytokines, which supports cellular renewal. When applied to the skin, the skin mimics the effect of having more stem cells. We lose most of these stem cells as we age. By 40 only a few percent remain compared to our youth and the remaining ones are less powerful. The serum has potent regenerating properties to improve skin firmness, elasticity & tone.
    Microchanneling stimulates the body to release peptides, cytokines and growth factors that induce collagen production. As you get older, the stem cells that produce these vital proteins lose efficacy and decline in population, so microchanneling alone becomes less and less effective. Because of premature aging, the Microchannel Delivery Serum and the post care Cellular Renewal Serum and Healing Accelerator Serum become more vital to improvement. Use of the ProCell aftercare products ensure the skin continuously receives potent, robust, pristine peptides, cytokines and growth factors even in between treatments. Think of diet and exercise – microchanneling without serums is like exercising without dieting. Results can be good with microchanneling only, but are significantly amplified with serums.
    Though neocollagenesis (the production of new collagen) can take several weeks, it is not abnormal to notice an improvement in the quality and appearance of your skin within the first 24 hours. After 2-3 treatments a thicker more robust, collagen filled cellular matrix will produce more consistent and noticeable improvement. And 6 or more treatments may be recommended for scarring, laxity and wrinkles. For hair regrowth it can take up to a month after weekly treatment.
    It is normal for treatments to result in some skin irritation, especially for clients with more sensitive skin. Always wait a minimum of 90 minutes before putting anything else on the skin. During this time it is normal for the skin to remain pink or light red. After the 90 minutes you can apply additional moisturizer or other products. Keep in mind however, that as your skin may be more sensitive than usual for several days after the treatment, especially strong topicals should be avoided until the skin returns to normal.
    Microchanneling‘s procedure is similar to the microneedling, but the treatment also uses high-grade active skin-care ingredients like skin lighteners, water, hyaluronic acid, peptides, skin softener, and moisturizers. These ingredients are directly infused into the skin during microneedling treatments. There is a key difference. Microchanneling is like the next generation of microneedling. Instead of pulling the device across the skin, the needles are precisely placed to the skin using a pattern of the stamp – which won’t cause tearing or any additional trauma to the skin. Procell microchanneling tips are 100% reliable, because each tip's has a fixed depth. Microneedling devices with adjustable depths are rarely accurate. (Different conditions need difference depths of treatment.) Recovery time of microchanneling treatment is accelerated & results are amazing!
    Procell creates a biological interaction between damaged cells and healing cytokines. Our bone marrow contain mesenchymal stem cells. These contain DNA hardware to work towards wound healing, fighting disease and rejuvenating skin. The cells excrete proteins called cytokines, which are like little packages of information. When the microchannelling creates a small injury in the skin it activates the body's injury response and sends stem stem cells to the area (or, in this case, stem cells are applied on the treatment area) to heal. Cell receptors in the injured area connect with the healthy cytokine into the damaged cells.
    Tattooing, Permanent Makeup, Aesthetics • All tools, work space, equipment are disinfected using hospital grade EPA approved broad spectrum disinfectant and an FDA,
EPA and OSHA compliant broad-spectrum disinfectant, fungicidal, bactericidal, virucidal, mildewcidal and tuburculocidal after each cleint. • All necessary tools and equipment are present in the area before the procedure begins. • Needles, tattoo cartridges, dermaplane blades, microchanneling cartridges or anything entering the skin or can possibly cause blood exposure are opened in front of the client and are single use. • Areas of practice are state/county licensed tattoo establishments within the state they are located. • Areas of practice are inspected and approved initially and annually by the local health department. • All artists are licensed tattoo artists, trained and certified in permanent makeup practice in multiple states. • All artists are estheticians licensed to practice in their state. • Jessie is a paramedical aesthetician licensed to practice in multiple states. • All artists wear gloves while working in the skin. Nitrile gloves are preferred, if you have an allergy we can accommodate. • All artists are Barbicide Certified and annually complete four hours of Blood Borne Pathogen training and certification.
    Most clients report mild to moderate discomfort. We numb the treatment area before the procedure. You will feel a pin prick sensation, especially over the bony areas as well as areas with more nerve endings (forehead, cheekbones, jawline, lip) Some clients report the treated skin feels warm & tight after treatment. After the treatment, skin turns red, fades within the first hour or so, and resolves within 24 hours.
    Depending on area treated, a session could take 1 (face) - 2 (body) hours. This includes cleansing the skin, numbing time, the procedure, stem cells, & a post treatment hydrating mask.
    This depends on the depth of the needle length used in your specific treatment. We recommened: 4 weeks apart for face & body 1 week apart for scalp
  • When are trainings held?
    Starting March 2020 we will not be offering group training until further notice. All training is one-on-one & scheduled according to your (and our) availability. Traveling to a student is still available ndepending on distance. As always, a travel fee will apply. **Due to COVID-19 we are not booking classes for the remainder of 2020 & 2021 - Training will commence AUGUST 2023 **DO NOT PAY FOR ANY CLASS UNTIL YOU HAVE A DATE SET - YOUR PAYMENT WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE REFUNDED!! **Please email to discuss dates that work for you!**
  • How many students are in each class?
    Group training is limited to 3-6 students per class so that each student is given ample supervision and instruction. Classes fill quickly so deposit is required to ensure your spot is reserved. Individuals that book a private one-on-one course reserve the instructor for a day; no other students are allowed to shadow or attend a private course training so you receive the maximum training catered to your questions and needs. As of March 7 2020:Due to Covid, we no longer offer group training. Private on-on-one classes are available as well options for spas and salons.
  • How much is training?
    The investment in training vary by course. However, the tuition includes a kit appropriate to your chosen class, Instruction by certified award winning master artist, Master Artist, Jess, and up to 6 months of support. All courses come with a starter kit as well as training manuals, documents and a certificate upon completion. (the apprenticeship program does not)
  • Why is there a deposit?
    Due to the high demand for our courses we require a deposit to ensure that serious applicants are able to reserve a spot without having to end up on a waiting list. The deposit you pay to reserve your spot reserves your spot, goes towards supplies, travel, and goes toward the tuition cost of the course. We also offer financing options which you can find here Financing must be arranged no sooner than 1 month prior to class start.
  • Why do I need to take a bloodborne pathogen class prior to starting my course?
    Every state requires that all individuals that work with or near human blood be required to understand safety and sanitary precautions surrounding this work. In order to comply with the health department as well as receive your state certification & tattoo license, this course must be taken prior to any microblading course and proof of completion is required on the first day of class.
  • Where is the apprenticeship held?
    The apprenticeship occurs each week for approximately 2-4 hours and a schedule is worked out between the instructor and student. The apprenticeship occurs at the LUXX Beauty & Brow Bar's Jacksonville location. Semi-virtual apprenticeship is also avaiable for long distace students.
  • How do I earn money while in the apprenticeship program?
    LUXX's apprenticeship program was founded with the working student in mind. Monetary compensation is discussed during interview. As a LUXX apprentice, you will receive hands-on training with the guidance of a Master Level Instructor. In addition, you will receive business and marketing support to help you build a clientele base. Everything you need to make sure you’re set up for success!
  • When is the next opening for training?
    The next available dates for in-person or virtual will be Early August 2022. Online training can be done at any time, at your leisure.
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